Family Room Window Replacement
October 15, 2008

Since we had a day without rain in the forecast, we decided it was a good opportunity to replace one of the family room windows. There are two windows in the room, and we plan to add another on the wall that does not have a window right now. We decided to make all three the same size. This window was about a foot shorter than the other, so that meant we needed to reframe the opening. It went pretty fast, and we had it done before dinner, so we were pretty happy with that.

Here's the window after we took the paneling down.

And an outside view.

We wanted to match the height of the window to the other one in the room, which meant we needed to raise the top and lower the bottom of the rough opening.

The new window installed. We bought all three windows as two
single hung windows together in one unit. It matches the look
of our front window, but was much easier to install as a single unit.

The finished window.

Just need to do some touch up painting over the caulking on the siding.